~ The Anonymous postman ~
         Petit image    Anonymizers
Mai 2001, updated March 2003

By Corto
With the Formmail Essay of the old +HCU and its Pseudo-proxy

Read also:

Dear fravia+, trying to quill my envy for your future trips, I would like to send you a small curiosity, that you'll probably already know of.
The following 'trick' for sending emails (the Anonymous postman) uses the common formmail.cgi (matt scripts) that is very easy to individuate and common all over the world.
You may fetch hundred of them through this ad hoc altavista query:
of course a similar query with another search engine would give you good results as well.
once you got your formmail.cgi target you simply "slighty modify" following form (I have highlighted the parts that need modifying)...
<form action="http://www.zzi.net/cgi-bin/FormMail.cgi" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="WHATEVERuWANT@whateverUwant.com">


email address
text you want to send

This said, I have a couple of observations (doubts):

FIRST: this usually works well via proxomitron and proxy, but the question is if I am anonymous only for the recipient or if the IP of the sender (i.e.: mine) is registered at the servers we are using as 'postmen'.
Apparently my real IP remains hidden both in the email headers and in the loggings of my connections, but I'm not sure about it, and would like some input from those that are more web-savvy than I am, and have the time to play with this trick.

SECOND: it would be probably worthy to make some short investigations on this (and other) cgi, maybe simply publishing on your site this mail of mine, in the hope that some gentle soul will give us some feedback, additions, suggestions, corrections...

Work well,
Feedback: steparius(ALT+64)operamail(POINT)com

+HCU Formmail Essay (published at searchlores in mai 2001)

Once upon a time, in a far away galaxy of electrons, there was a group of people quite powerful and capable. They found out, discussed and practicized many sort of magical exploits... waay before they were of public domain... I'll now let my friends +Malattia and SiuL+Hacky show you the ancient formmail 'lessons'... (the text below has been written in 1998, I have only changed my old -and now dormient- www.fravia.org address, cited by SiuL+, into www.searchlores.org)

+HCU Formmail Essay
Here is a little treasure, an old tute born from a cooperative work of many +HCUckers. I thought it could be published now, because I've seen that this vulnerability has been discovered (at last!) and published on bugtraq. This tute shows you a little bug in formmail perl scripts which you could use to send "a-little-more-anonymous" emails: of course nothing is really anonymous today but, at least, you can become less traceable ;) Note that this bugged script is still used in many, many (big) websites... and will probably remain there for much more time if you don't abuse it.

Subject: The awaited essay

hi +all,
I know we are not the fastest writers in the world, but here is a document
with a summary about formmail tricks ( very few until now :-( and some other
information that could be helpful to you. It has been done by +malattia and
me, and we truly hope you'll like it :-).


ps. ask what you feel like, as usual.

Mail Headers
When receiving an email you may get some information about who
sends it and its way across the net. What I'm describing here are
assumptions you may take if the "mail system" is not forged; in
that case, sometimes you may discover when someone is trying to
forge a server, as we'll see.

Most mail is sent via SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), just
a tcp/ip connection (most of the times, though it does not depend
on the transfer layer used) trough port 25. What mailer agents
use to do is automatize the dialog between client and server. If
you are going to telnet to your local machine, usually you may
pass the data directly to the mail server ( through command line
). Otherwise, the dialog is this ( in a simple example ):

* telnet target.server 25
- Greeting from the server that identifies itself
* HELO my.domain
- More greeting
* MAIL FROM: my@address
- Some acknowledge
* RCPT TO: recipient@address
- Some acknowledge
- Ack, and instructions for ending DATA section ( to type a line
  with JUST one dot ).
* bla, bla, bla
  bla, bla

- More acks

The acks have their own codes, but they are enough
self-explanatory, hence I'll not mess you. Consult rfc821 for

The first try to forge smtp is by means of MAIL FROM. Currently
most systems check the identifier given does exist, and coincides
with the domain it got from tcp net connection. If they do not
match, your IP address is stamped and the forgery may be
discovered. Another forgery may be to include inside data section
a line like this:

From: best@hcuker.world

The programs we use to read mail, take this field and show it as
the sender, without any header checking. This a very trivial
trick. The same may be told for Subject, Date and so on, included
inside DATA section.

The mail server not only receives the request and forwards it (if
necessary ), but adds a header with info about the transfer
described above. If the recipient dwells in the server, may be it
does not add the header, but is not usual. You may try to use
some forged mail server that claims to be a different one, but
when it'll forward the message to reach recipient's home, a new
header will be added ( except some rare occasions I told you )
and then all the headers will not be consistent.

You could try to telnet with tampered ip packets, but as tcp is a
controlled connection ( opposite to UDP ), it seems difficult for

Let's review all this with an example where everything makes
sense and nothing seems to be forged :-). Is +Alistair one:

Received: from ( by
mx05.netaddress.usa.net via
mtad (2.4)
        id mx05-caDJKJ0091; Sun, 04 Jan 1998 02:36:10 -0600 (MST)
Received: from http by athos.clubenterprises.com with local (Exim
1.62 #8)
        id 0xokdc-0008Qg-00; Sun, 4 Jan 1998 02:38:24 -0500
To: sergej.lisenko@usa.net
From: Alistair@newanonymity.gee ()
Subject:  +Zero can you read my address?
Message-Id: <E0xokdc-0008Qg-00@athos.clubenterprises.com>
Sender: Club Webmaster <http@athos.clubenterprises.com>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 02:38:24 -0500



First of all user "http" starts the first connection to its local
mail server. Inside multiuser o.s. as unix, every process run
with a user identifier. Web servers use users as "nobody",
"http", "httpd" or "www". AFAIK, web servers cannot act as smtp
clients, so may be a process started by the web server is doing
it, a cgi. The program that takes care of port 25 connections is
Exim ( a program, as sendmail or Qmail ). It receives the
recipient and the rest of the data. The connection ends, and Exim
adds its header:

Received: from http by athos.clubenterprises.com with local (Exim
1.62 #8)
        id 0xokdc-0008Qg-00; Sun, 4 Jan 1998 02:38:24 -0500

The recipient is not local: sergej.lisenko@usa.net, so it has to
forward it to @usa.net. The program that manages it at usa.net
receives it and adds its header:

Received: from ( by
mx05.netaddress.usa.net via
mtad (2.4)
        id mx05-caDJKJ0091; Sun, 04 Jan 1998 02:36:10 -0600 (MST)

We must take care that ip addresses make sense, hence these parts
must match (and they do, check it with dns):

from <-- in the second header
by athos.clubenterprises.com <-- in the first header

It's really easy to navigate from one page to another, so there's
no need to know the underlying client-server dialog. What happen
since you tell the browser to get some page till the browser
paints it, is just another client-server dialog.

The browser acts as the client. Imagine you type
(c'mon +fravia I want my commission :-)

It telnets www.searchlores.org port 80 ( usually ) and, 
sends a request header, more or less like this:

GET /basic.htm HTTP/1.0
GET /basic.htm

Afterwards the client may send some other auxiliary header such
as Referer header ( used by formmail :-). The client ends its
requests with a double CR.

Then the server answers with a respond header: may be OK, may be
a Location header to redirect the client to another page or may
be an error header ( not found, forbidden access ... ). The
respond headers have codes and so forth, but I'm just explaining
the "concepts". Finally a "Content type" header is put by the
server, previous to the html page, image or whatever. I must remark
that what is really important is the ok header, placed on the top,
because is the one acks the url requested does exist, and can be
given. This is a sample of a usual server answer:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 04:02:15 GMT
Server: Apache/1.2.4
Last-Modified: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 18:20:06 GMT
ETag: "20afe-792-34620a56"
Content-Length: 1938
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

( ... and the rest of the page ... )

The client (browser) picks the data and paints it. With picks
the data I mean it'll request any additional resource in the page, as
images, cgis for counters or whatever through telnet sessions like
the above one.

Here some foundations about cgis, because if you've never written
one, some of its aspects are confusing.

Why cgis ? They are just a method that enables to start some
interactive dialog between the browser and the web server. Now it
seems pretty easy with Java and Javascript, but without them you
can just use a cgi. The client send the server some data from the
user and the server "processes" the information and gives an

What are they indeed ? They are executable files. You must
configure the server to make it note how to identify what
requests are cgis ( and must be executed ), and what are usual
MIME types. The two most common ways, are to store them at some
concrete directory (as cgi-bin ), or to label them with some
concrete extension, as .cgi.

Therefore, when the request is labelled as "cgi", the server
execute the cgi with some well defined environmental variables.
The cgi gets from these vars information about the client-server
connection ( IP addresses, the name of the server & browser, ...
) and also gets the specific information supplied by the user (
through PATH_INFO and QUERY_STRING vars ). Then the program does
something with all this information, and finally cooks some
acknowledgement for the client ( usually an html page, with the appropiate
Content-type header that will help to browser to identify the resource
that is being received, i.e. html, jpg, gif ... ). If the cgi is
Non Parsed Header (its name starts with nph-) it must take care of
all html protocol headers too, especially ok header ( see samples at
HTML section ).

Formmail Cracking

And now it's the turn of FormMail, a little PERL script which 
automatically sends the contents of a form by mail to a specified 
recipient. Here are some infos about the program:

FormMail v1.6
Copyright 1995-97 Matt Wright (matt@worldwidemart.com)
Last Modified 05/02/97
You can download it from: http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/

note (by s+h): there are more formmail scripts, but this one seems to be the
most popular.

I'll quote some lines of code in this essay, but there's no need to say that
you should download and read the complete source code to better understand
what's going on. Now, let's see how the formmail script works:

1) First of all, it checks the referring URL, that is the URL of the page
containing the form. This allows forms to be located only on servers 
which are defined in the field @referers, preventing other sites to use 
your script in their web pages.

2) Then, it retrieves the current date/time to put it in the mail message.

3) It determines the form's request method (GET or POST), parses the form
contents and split the form fields into their name-value pairs. The allowed
fields are:

-recipient: mail address of the recipient
-subject: subject
-email: mail address of the sender
-realname: realname of the sender
-redirect: URL of the page to redirect user to after the form is sent
-bgcolor, background, link_color, vlink_color, text_color,
 alink_color: attributes of the html created after the form is sent
-sort: order of the fields in the mail
-print_config: field configurations to print in the mail
-required: fields you have to fill in the form
-env_report: environmental variables to print in the mail
-return_link_title: return page to put in the newly created html page
-return_link_url: url of the return page
-print blank fields: tells the script to print even the blank fields
-missing_fields_redirect: URL of the page to redirect user to if a required
field is missing.

NOTE: When you send a form and everything goes ok, you can choose to redirect
user to a new page or to create a predefined one.

4) The program checks the required fields and if email field is required it
checks its syntax. If there's an error, it redirect the user to the page
specified in the field missing_fields_redirect or creates a predefined one.

5) If everthing is ok, it redirects user to the page specified in the field
redirect, or creates a predefined one.

6) Finally, the program sends the mail message to recipient.

Now, the first thing we want to do is send the mail message to another
recipient, ie our mail address. As this field is not specified in the 
formmail source, but you have to provide it as a hidden field in the 
form (look at some html sources on the net), you can manually send 
data to the script in this way:


Hmmmmm... got it? We give all the fields "by hand", like in a command 
The field separator is the character "&" and instead of the spaces 
we find "+", CR is %0d and "+" (how can you write your +nickname 
otherwise? :)) is %2b, that is 2bH, 43 dec, "+" ASCII.
This example works, but there are two little problems: first of all, 
we don't want to write our mail messages on just one line, doing 
character conversion on the fly. The best thing to do is to copy an 
online page which uses formmail.pl and change it a little to suit our 
In the 90% of the cases it doesn't work: that's because of that 
referring url check at point 1). Well, it's time to give a look to 
the source code now: a beautiful high-level language source
code, with beautiful procedures like &check_url, &send_mail, and so on...
rather self-explaining isn't it? :) Now, let's try to solve our 
first problem, here's the code:

# If a referring URL was specified, for each valid referer, make sure  #
# that a valid referring URL was passed to FormMail.                   #

    if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) {
        foreach $referer (@referers) {
--->    if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m|https?://([^/]*)$referer|i) {
                $check_referer = 1;

The check for the referer is all in just ONE line, so it's time to get a PERL
quick reference manual and see what it means. I've downloaded a manual from
www.mcp.com, zipped it and put it online for further use :) The address is:


Anyway, here's what the manual says:


Category.....:  named unary operator (pattern)
Arguments....:  m/<pattern>/<optionlist>
Return Value.:  1 (true) '' (false)

This function searches the default string for the pattern using regular
expression pattern matching. It returns 1 if a match is found. 
Otherwise, '' is returned. The default string can be assigned to the match 
using either the =~ or !~ operators; otherwise, it is $_.

--->        if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m|https?://([^/]*)$referer|i) {

note: you may wonder why the man page defines m//, and then in the script we
find m||. The reason is that you can use as delimiters ("/" is the default
delimiter) other non-alphanumeric characters. That is useful if the pattern
contains "/", as it increases readibility.

So, the default string is $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}, and the procedure 
searches inside it for the occurrence of the string contained in 
$referer (which is one of the values contained in the field $referers, 
usually a domain name). 
The option "i" means that the string comparison is case-insensitive. 
Hmmm... just a substring search... no real domain check! 
So, you just have to name your html local file with the domain name 
of the formmail script you're using... ie., if the formmail script 
is located at www1.clubenterprises.com, you can call the
file www1.clubenterprises.com.html. Try it: it works! :)
Of course, there's a lot more elegant way to do this... read what Siul+Hacky
wrote me:

"+MaLaTTiA, pretty interesting your way to get rid of referer
 trick. I did it a little bit different. I did months ago a
 perl script to run as a very simple proxy, so you ask your
 page through the PATH_INFO and QUERY_STRING parameters, then
 the cgi ask for the page and returns it to you. The script
 may be used for filtering information. Referer is given by
 means of an HTML header, so it is Netscape who is giving
 formmail the information of the malicious referer.  I
 remembered this old script and used it for destroying
 referer information."

I'm sure Siul's script will turn out to be useful in a lot of situations, 
so check it, it's included in this essay.

The second problem we have to deal with is a bit harder, because you'll 
need some UNIX knowledge, or at least you'll need to know how sendmail 
works. If you send the previous mail message to yourself, you'll see 
that its output will be something like this:

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by (a@b.com) on
Wednesday, January 7, 1998 at 12:27:19

....Hey! I didn't ask the PERL script to write THAT! Let's go and see 
the source code again:

sub send_mail {
    # Localize variables used in this subroutine.                  #

    # Open The Mail Program
    open(MAIL,"|$mailprog -t");

    print MAIL "To: $Config{'recipient'}\n";
    print MAIL "From: $Config{'email'} ($Config{'realname'})\n";

# Check for Message Subject
if ($Config{'subject'}) { print MAIL "Subject: $Config{'subject'}\n\n" }
else                    { print MAIL "Subject: WWW Form Submission\n\n" }

print MAIL "Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted
        print MAIL "$Config{'realname'} ($Config{'email'}) on $date\n";

Ok. The string appears in the source code, so what can we do now? 
The first thing I did is give a look to that "-t" switch used to open 
the mail program, so I started Linux and gave a look at the manual page 
about sendmail. NOTE: you don't need to install Linux to see man pages, 
you can find all of them online! Of course, installing Linux is 
better... :))
Here is part of the output:

-t      Read message for recipients. To:, Cc:, and Bcc: lines will
    be scanned for recipient addresses. The Bcc: line will be
    deleted before transmission. Any addresses in the argument
    list will be suppressed, that is, they will not receive
    copies even if listed in the message header.

Here's how our script works: it just gives plain text to the mail 
program, and this one scans for the recipient and sends the mail message. 
It doesn't help us with the default "incipit" of the mail, but tells us 
some other things: for instance, that if we specify Cc: and Bcc: lines 
in the body of the mail, the script is able to send both carbon copies 
and BLIND carbon copies! 
Of course, we should first find the way to cut away that ugly 
"Below is the result...". To do this, we have to learn something more about 
sendmail. Fortunately, the "man" pages of sendmail tell us all we need 
to know about it:

"With no flags, sendmail reads its standard input up to an end-of-file
or a line consisting only of a single dot and sends a copy of the message
found there to all of the addresses listed."

Bingo! As the "-t" flag doesn't tell us anything about it, we can 
guess the dot works with this flag too... and it does: we just 
have to put a line consisting only of a single dot BEFORE the default 
incipit and we terminate the message! 
From the source file you can see there are THREE ways to do this:

1)  print MAIL "To: $Config{'recipient'}\n";

FIRST WAY: You just have to assign to the recipient field a value like this

        From: Anonymous ("Realname")\n
        Subject: the subject you like\n
        (now you can put the mail body)
        .       (single dot!)

This doesn't always work, because often the "email" field is required 
(well you can simply add a fake address in that field, anyway it won't 
even be printed!). 
And... THIS_WORKS!!! +Guys, a perl variable can carry enough 
data to contain a full message body, and all we have to do is put it in 
a field and terminate it with a single dot in a new line.

2)  print MAIL "From: $Config{'email'} ($Config{'realname'})\n";

SECOND WAY: You can put a "realname" containing the full message. Of course,
you have to close the parenthesis after your fake realname, so your message
will look like this:

        Homer Simpson)
        Subject: blah blah blah

3)  if ($Config{'subject'}) { print MAIL "Subject: $Config{'subject'}\n\n" }

THIRD WAY: I think you got it, just remember that in this case you have to
start writing the subject without "Subject:" header, I confirm  sendmail
will read any Cc: or Bcc: after the Subject: line...

Now you just have to choose: if you often have to send CC or BCC you can made a
local page using the second trick, I personally made some local pages which use
the third one. Here's the source, feel free to change and ameliorate it, but
remember to send me a copy of it! ;)
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>+MaLaTTiA's Anonymizer</TITLE></HEAD>
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" link="#00FF00" vlink="#008000"
<p align="center">
<font size="6" color="#00FF40">+MaLaTTiA's Anonymizer</font>
<p><FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="http://www.utm.edu/cgi-bin/thomasn/formmail.pl">
<b>To</b>:<br><INPUT type=text  NAME="recipient" SIZE=30><br>
<b>From</b>:<br><INPUT type=text  NAME="email" SIZE=30><br>
<b>Realname</b>:<br><INPUT type=text  NAME="realname" SIZE=30><br>
<b>Data</b> (end the mail with a dot):<br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="subject" ROWS=9 COLS=70>
Anonymous Mail

<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="address" VALUE="Send">
<INPUT TYPE="reset"  NAME="address" VALUE="Delete"><p>
Remember that the first line of the textarea is the subject, just start with the mail body from the second line. Also, you have to end the message WITH A DOT IN A NEW LINE (can you write a source to automatically add it?). Finally, you just have to change the line

<p><FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="http://www.utm.edu/cgi-bin/thomasn/formmail.pl">

with another address to change your address, also remember to change the filename (if there's a referer check). For instance, this line (with the right filename) works too:

<p><FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="http://uxcgisrv.vol.it/inserzioni/cgi1.cgi">

Now a little homework for you: collect as many addresses as you can and spread them on the ml! :)


The work is not finished. We can do a lot of other things with this script, for instance we can create _any_ html changing the body attributes of the returned html, but I don't know how it could be useful... hmmmm... I'm afraid I'm stuck here O:)


IMHO, the best thing to do now is writing a little proggie (java? plain HTML?) which lets you write your mail offline, maybe put it in a queue, automatically put a single dot at the end of each message, lets you choose a server whose formmail script you want to use, starts a proxy server like Siul's one, and sends mails... too hard? Maybe a little time-wasting, but I think it would be VEEERY nice O:))


use Socket;

;#### This script acts as a very simple proxy               #########
;#### Make your calls in this way:                          #########
;#### http://your_server/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/serv/pag     #########
;####                                                       #########
;#### where "serv" is the target server (ip or dns)         #########
;#### and "pag" is the page or directory to get             #########
;#### (c) SiuL+Hacky                                        #########

local($remote, $port, $ip, $paddr, $port,@line);

#### server and page infor are split                         ########

($remote, $page)=split(/\//, $_, 2);

#### a telnet session to port 80 is started                    ######

$paddr= sockaddr_in($port, $ip);
$proto= getprotobyname("tcp");
socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die print "Content-type:
text/html\n\n<html>Error connecting to server</html>";
connect(SOCK, $paddr) || die print "error 2";
&printflush(SOCK, "GET ". $page."?".$data . " HTTP/1.0\n\n");

#### the info is read and returned to the client                 ####
#### "if" instruction patches Location headers                   ####
#### that will be prior to Content-type ones                     ####

 if ($redirect){
   if (/Content-type/){
   if (/Location:/){
close (SOCK);

#### the dialog with the server is reproduced here and sent     ####
#### to the client. To keep it identical the cgi is             ####
#### declared as Non Parsed Header                              ####

for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){
 print "$line[$i]";


That's all... hope you liked it.

+ma (mailto:malattia(AT)gmx.net")

Petit image

(c) III Millennium: [fravia+], all rights reserved